the sexiest photographer ever! |
we left our mark |
we found a bench that matched my lipstick |
sangrias! |
mmmmmm . . . hollandaise sauce |
this kitty knows how to do it right |
ivan's parents own a house up in mantua & seeing as they are in ireland for the summer, we thought we'd take full advantage of a quiet getaway. it was really nice, no internet {no computers for that matter}, no television, just good food & friends/family. we went swimming in the nearby lake {which is about 90% seaweed}, wandered up & down the main street in nearby brigham city, sat on the front porch drinking wine & talking, & played taboo {we laughed until it hurt}. maybe it was the wine & sangrias, maybe it was the company, maybe it was both; but that was the funnest game of taboo i've ever played {can't wait to do it again}! the next morning we went to a family diner & ordered a variety of omelets for breakfast {travis was the only one to deviate with his freakishly delicious french toast}. i may or may not have cried while reading "the giving tree" to ivan {he'd never read it}. after all the friends & family left ivan took a nap while i watched an andy warhol documentary & enjoyed the peace before we had to say "adieu." hope your weekends were just as much fun. happy monday!
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I love that cat! You guys are pretty cool, too.
Why thank you! I think you're pretty rad.
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