Friday, August 17, 2012

0 iron & wine followed by yogurt & coffee

                                        a little cafe rio to start the night . . .                                                                 the sexiest communist you ever did see    

i love the look on this boy's face!

the twilight concert series is something we've been looking forward for a long time, it's been going for a while but last night was the first one we went to. it was iron & wine & there was no way we were going to miss him! kathleen edwards went on before him & she was pretty great. we got to hear a lot of our favorite songs, it was quite romantic {even with the hoards of people that never seemed to stop growing}. it was so fun to people watch too {one of my favorite activities}, it always amazes me how many truly interesting people there are in utah. we met up with our dear friend camilla whom i saw again this morning, along with our other dear friend sarah, for breakfast at gourmandise! i had my much needed cappuccino & some plain greek yogurt with berries {so good!}. now i'm off to get my hair fixed {it was botched by the last lady who did it - i look like a 60 year-old who tried to dye their hair red from a box - it's not pretty}. oh! oh! oh! i get to go school shopping! i am truly a nerd in every sense of the word, i will get my pens & folders & i hope that you too have a  happy friday!!! 

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