Monday, January 14, 2013

0 i once went to a brunch . . .

. . . where i didn't eat anything. that may seem odd, seeing how food obsessed i am & how delicious the food was {or smelt anyway}. but i'm at the tail end of my master cleanse {you may remember the last time i did this & how food crazy i got towards the end} & i held strong. ivan had 3 cups of espresso, i just held onto his cup & smelt the coffee. you may wonder where the people are in the photos, well let's just say that there were many wonderful, beautiful people there & the fact that i took absolutely no pictures of them shows how a "cleanse" alters the mind. earlier today i was thinking about how the idea of cleansing is very christian {even though i consider myself agnostic at best}. i'm doing this cleanse as a way to "repent" of all the bad eating i did over the holidays {so worth it} just as many christians repent of their sins. one may even argue that the idea of repentance makes it easier to sin. at least for me it made it easier to do some sinful eating as long as i thought "i'll be doing a cleanse in january, so it's okay."

oh bacon! love of my life! we will be reunited soon!

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