Wednesday, January 2, 2013

0 first run of the year

i went for my first run of the year yesterday & i had to say it was great. i have this strange mentality when it comes to running, it doesn't matter how cold or hot it is {yesterday it was below freezing} as long as the sun is out i'm good. i think this has to do with me being part plant, basil most likely - i need a lot of sun & a lot of water to survive. sorry for the random gardening reference. anyway, as i was running yesterday i ran alongside a little pug named "bacon" for a little bit {although if i were to name him after a meat product he would have been called "sausage"} & as i came behind an older woman & her dog the dog went to one edge of the sidewalk & she the other - go figure. i swore she could hear me - i was huffing & puffing as loudly as a hippopotamus giving birth - but she didn't, so i politely said excuse me & scared the hell out of her. i'm not sure what she was expecting to be behind her but she jumped & screamed like it was satan himself. watch out old ladies of the avenues, satan's on the loose. 

p.s. my neon yellow sports is awesome! i'm kind of obsessed.

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