so this is the first post of our blog. yay! a little introduction is in order. just a little about us . . .
and now for the pictures . . .
first we got engaged . . . {abby alger photography) |
. . . then we got married! {abby alger photography} |
i fell in love with a beautiful apartment in the avenues and we promptly moved in! {with the entire length of the apartment lined with southern windows, beautiful views and an office with windows all the way around can you blame me?}
now a little about us . . .
we love to go out for coffee {i'm a coffee addict, especially during finals - i could inject it into my veins!} and cook our own indian, ivan is the best indian cook {his cooking is better than any restaurant we've found}. those bombay potatoes are calling my name.
settlers of catan is our game of choice, it has given us moments of joy, laughter, tears, yelling and anger {the full spectrum}.
a rare moment of me winning! |
in addition to our love of cooking {i love any excuse to take} we also love to go out to eat with friends and family. delicious foods often get reinterpreted in our kitchen. for holidays we stick to traditions, easter bread {i.e. braided deliciousness} and cinnamon rolls for christmas.
ivan rolls . . . |
we have recently taken an interest in our health {as often happens when you enter your thirties} and have taken up running {i'm also an aspiring yogi - ivan sometimes joins me}. we ran our first 5k last may, second in july and a 10k in september {my brother travis joined us for the last two}. i am now training for my first half marathon in july!
with our little medals . . . we finished! |
we all decided to tie our shoes at the same time.
with the summer weather ahead we are looking forward to {duh . . . duh . . . DUH!} a trip to bulgaria, prague and dresden in two weeks! after that much picnicing, camping, running, cooking, dining and enjoyment will be had by all. we hope you enjoy your summer as much as we will! bye for now.
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