Friday, May 11, 2012

0 walking

we love . . . 

. . . all of this! this  spring has been one of the most beautiful springs that i can remember! we've often enjoyed walking to the grocery store, to  cucina deli for cappuccinos {and in ivan's case a brownie as well, i may have a few bites}, or just around for fun. i usually bring along my sun hat {and sunscreen!} being pasty white has its dangers, i get sunburned in the blink of an eye. we also love the fact that it's so easy to walk downtown! we walked to trolley square last night, although i always manage to get there right as  it's closing.  anyway, i just can never seem to get enough of the old wrought iron fences, eccentric houses, flowers and gorgeous trees in our neighborhood,  so heres to walking! we will continue to enjoy this past time in the upcoming summer months. on a side note i made one of ivan's favorite meals last night, fish taco salad, where i take out the tortillas and make extra cabbage mix {he likes to add some sliced avocado on the side} . . .        

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