Friday, May 4, 2012

0 breakfast

. . . for dinner

most important meal of the day, or so they say, and i have to say i agree. i don't function without my morning start of coffee & some deliciousness . . . sometimes it's good enough to have for dinner, which is what we did tonight. and yes that is cooked spinach on my plate {ivan went with rosemary potatoes & bread}. the cooked spinach {with golden raisins} is a surprisingly delightful dish to have for breakfast, once again thank you martha stewart! the decision splurge on bacon was unanimous {we've been trying to drastically cut down on meat}. this meal substitution made me nostalgic for the days when we'd make pancakes for dinner . . . aw pancakes. i have a killer recipe for orange pancakes, those will have to happen soon. speaking of pancakes, it got me thinking of these . . . 

that stuff on top is fresh raspberries sauteed with butter, lemon juice & sugar . . . absolutely mouthwatering! and on that note, i'll say good night and wish you a happy breakfast!
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