Monday, July 1, 2013

0 the remains of the weekend

this weekend was about 10 degrees warmer than last. the ac is now on all the time & summer is officially in stride. happy july! i can't believe how fast it's going by! we've been doing a whole lot of nothing. i mean besides nightly rounds of plants vs. zombies, running {gotta get ready for that half-marathon!} hiking, & eating. we went on a midnight {okay 1 am} run the other day & had more fun than expected, plus we still managed to make it to yoga the next morning - win! i have been trying to read {although less successfully than over the christmas break} & deep clean the house. i think that all the moving i did throughout my childhood really taught me the value of living with less - plus packing is a bitch! the less you have the easier it is, i mean we won't be here forever & it's incredible how quickly things accrue - which is why it's nice to do some cleaning every once in a while. so yeah that's the excitement of my life right now. it's not all bad though. i have acquired a few new favorite snacks - cheddar cheese & mustard {it's kind of really amazing} & kale chips {maybe if i snack like heidi klum i'll be as gorgeous as her} ! my little "garden" is doing well {despite some unexpected guests - see below}. also i have been trying all sorts of braids! mine aren't quite up to par - but they'll get there with practice. so, here's to a happy monday & enough rambling! i hope you are enjoying this lovely day as much as i am!

what happens when your sunscreen sticky legs encounter 5 miles of dust. 
 kale chips! {i like to add curry powder, cumin, chili powder & a pinch of cardamom} plus a little yellow + yellow {both are freakishly good}
 i thought this little guy was adorable - that is until i saw how not-so-little his appetite was!

i almost forgot about ivan's "present" from work - 5 lbs of chocolate from rocky mountain chocolate factory. his co-workers ate until they got sick & then he brought the other 4 1/2 lbs home. i swear he does this just to torture me! damn you & your chocolate temptations!!! 

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