Sunday, May 12, 2013

0 my little sister just ran a half marathon

go squishy! she was awesome! we got a little lost & got there 10 minutes later than expected so, i kind of didn't have the camera ready when she came sprinting across the finish line - disappointed doesn't quite cover how i felt. but man, she is fast! she ran it in 1:41 & that's taking 3 bathroom breaks.  we then ventured to the park cafe & had a most delicious breakfast. sarah tricked ivan into switching her seats so he ended up eating breakfast with my sunglasses on - the sexiness can't fully be captured in pictures but i tried. afterwards ivan just wanted to take a nap but i wanted to shop & ohmygod!ifoundthemostadorablecontactcaseknowntohumankind! i mean really, look at it! it's so cute i literally freak out every time i see it! although it is a little creepy when I take off the eyes to use it {c'est la vie} even though ivan napped for what seemed like an eternity he did manage to wake up long enough to make us some lamb & brussels sprouts - oh my yum!  we watched "the hobbit" & unfortunately even the vast amount of wine we drank could not save that movie from itself & its horrendous addiction to overly-done cgi - i'm scared to think of how we would have felt about the movie sober! enough movie reviews though - happy mother's day to you all! i hope you made your mothers' {& grandmothers' for that matter} day a little brighter. i will see you all later! monday comes too soon.

you're my hero!

sarah with the kids she helped train for the race.
oh baby!

we're sexy & we know it!

seriously people! i'm so unbelievably ecstatic about this find, it probably isn't healthy.
because what is a blog post without a picture of some deliciousness?
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